Pierre Tholoniat

Results 11 issues of Pierre Tholoniat

# Before submitting - [ ] (No, it's a minor edit) Was this discussed/approved via a Github issue? (no need for typos, doc improvements) - [x] Did you read the...

CLA Signed

When a thread pool is already initialized, Rayon uses it even if the user specified a different number of threads. To fix it, we can implement the change discussed here:...

Type: Improvement :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Boyle et al. (https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/1392) have a paper at Eurocrypt 2021 with a lot of useful and efficient FSS protocols. In particular, their comparison protocol would be a great addition to...

Type: New Feature :heavy_plus_sign:
Type: Research :microscope:

## What? Separate the Rust functionality from the Python wrapper in a neater way. ## Why? This would allow people who just care about Rust to use FSS directly, without...

Type: Refactor :hammer:

Handle errors in the Rust code instead of using `assert` and `assert_eq` macros.

Good first issue :mortar_board:
Type: Improvement :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Try to optimize the PRG with a lightweight assembly call to AESNI instead of using the `aesni` crate: https://github.com/OpenMined/sycret/blob/368276c2687462a9f00496771f102e84428fb74e/src/le.rs#L142 Here is an example of a Rust crate doing that (for...

Type: Research :microscope:

## Where? Things to document in priority: - The Python interface used by Syft 0.2.x (and soon SyMPC): https://github.com/OpenMined/sycret/blob/master/sycret/fss.py (basically just the keygen and eval functions) - Improve the Readme...

Good first issue :mortar_board:
Type: Documentation :books:

After https://github.com/OpenMined/sycret/issues/2 and https://github.com/OpenMined/sycret/issues/4, create a workflow that publishes the Rust crate to https://crates.io with some documentation.

Type: Documentation :books:

The link describing the Rank Order distance leads to a paywall. In case this can help someone, one of the researchers is graciously offering a copy of his article on...

Hello, The European Commission has been offering grants to fund innovative projects, notably related to decentralized web and privacy. They typically offer grants ranging from 50K to 200K euros for...