Results 119 comments of thinca

PR is welcome! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

- Space in tail is hard to notice. - You can't see this in GitHub. - It may be confused with noise.

I think style problem is just preference. There is no good or bad. Warning is for a bad one, also when there is no error. It should be avoided. I...

I met a similar problem, but the README taught me the answer.

The search command is executed by kind-command. This is contained in unite core. @Shougo How are you thinking about this?

多分それは issues 以外の feature で提供すると思います。やろうとは思ってますので気長に待ってもらえれば。

今 Windows 環境で試してみたのですが、うまく再現できませんでした。 何か設定などはしているでしょうか? Linux 環境は準備でき次第試してみようと思います。

Could you try AppImage without this action? If you can reproduce this bug, it is an issue on AppImage.