Rishi Desai
Rishi Desai
When you integrate every pointcloud does the pose get updated also? Right now, I use registerBackendOutputCallback to setup a callback that gets the pose after every keyframe but I want...
https://github.com/MIT-SPARK/Kimera-VIO/blob/8012623e0780a9d59ab2e27bbed68b163a94d1b4/src/pipeline/Pipeline.cpp#L134 I see that this is where the check for if it is a key frame happens. If I just had the backend run for every frame how much would...
Thanks. Do you plan on ever releasing the version that publishes poses at IMU rate?
Do you have more info on what type of golf cart you are using and how you are communicating with the golf cart?
So I tried just installing catkin on a machine and using catkin to build but it doesn't work due to orocos_kdl being a plain cmake file. I may be doing...
Updated TODO: - [ ] Create a requirements.txt for pip installing all the python dependencies - [ ] Create an install deps script for ARM that will run the pip...
We may want to put the topic reader/writer info in the runner.py config yaml file.
Some additional TODOs for this issue: - [ ] Update the config yaml to have information about topic subscribers/publishers and have it verify order is correct - [ ] Add...
Handle some of the things in #126 also
I was thinking we could do it all as one big update to the runner, so thats why I referenced the #126 here.