Luiz Felipe F M Costa

Results 9 comments of Luiz Felipe F M Costa

Hi, @metaodi. ^^ This is the error we got. But sometimes the error message changes without a clear reason. Sorry to send this error as an image, but I haven't...

Hi, @davidheuckrodt. Can you try the same havest process using a non HTTPS connection? I'm having some issues with harvest from HTTPS portals too.

@djyasin I believe we can change the description, because now we are supporting all the SCM (not only git).

The following tests are pending: - The `awxkit` (CLI portion) must be reviewed and tested. @relrod @djyasin @TheRealHaoLiu @jneedle

`ansible-sign` tested by @relrod (thank you, man!) AWX was also tested. cc: @InnocentK @jneedle

I tried to install and I faced the same problem. I don't have (or want to have) a default ingress, so this feature would be nice.

Same problem here. I'm using a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 install. This is my version (snap): ```json Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"21+", GitVersion:"v1.21.1-3+ba118484dd39df", GitCommit:"ba118484dd39df570e55e47f082e523cda7583e5", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-06-11T05:09:28Z", GoVersion:"go1.16.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"} Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1",...

hey! :D that's nice! I would love to have this feature. I was talking to @relrod and I already this problem.