Jakub Szewczyk
Jakub Szewczyk
I experience a very similar behavior in fMRIPrep 21.0.1. If one or both AP/PA sbref images are in the `func/` folder, then despite correctly setting the `B0FieldSource` and `B0FieldIdentifier`, fmriprep...
This would be an excellent addition to Zandy - I actually hoped it was already implemented when I bough it... I need my PDFs with me, not to be dependent...
Yes, in both cases I provide a mask. The masks differ slightly because they come from different spaces (T1 vs BOLD), but they have a very similar number of voxels...
Sure thing. I looped the GLM because with such a small image (my images are 5x larger) it computed very fast even in the uncropped version. ```python from nilearn import...
Yes it does. :) It is based on your code, just changed all-not-NA to any-not-NA and got rid of `all()` function in the middle because in this case it was...
Sure, I'll be happy to give it a try after I'm done with moving.