Julian Mazzitelli
Julian Mazzitelli
- [ ] inspect various premade controls - [ ] expand/make custom if necessary - [x] tried FlyCamera, but shaky because of `delta`
- [ ] integrate into API, make as much static as possible - [ ] modes for scenes, needs separation for rotation of individual components
- [ ] settings for concentration - [ ] predefined mesh generation params - [ ] settings for speeds High, medium, low "realism" settings, or slider if possible, can change...
# Protein Mesh Deformation - [ ] do mesh simplification first - [ ] play with this in Blender - [ ] find/read paper on common technique - [ ]...
- [x] populate membranes with proteins that have defined `TM-Section` material - [x] move linearly through verts - [ ] move randomly through verts - [ ] move through faces...
- [ ] get PDB - [ ] good LOD settings - [ ] cellular vs. mitochondrial