Julian Mazzitelli

Results 92 comments of Julian Mazzitelli

bionode-watermill uses ES2015 features (assignment destructuring, arrow functions) and was written at the time Node 6 was to be LTS soon. ES2016 (ES7) only adds `Array.prototype.includes` and the exponentiation operator,...

I also like the docs alongside code, but it makes it more difficult to quickly scan. Looks like slate might be more for REST API documentation? For bionode-quickgo I used...

Good idea, looking at the readme, I think you create URLs to display info about specific commands? So like ``` javascript insight.track('ncbi', 'download') ``` and ``` javascript insight.track('ncbi', 'search') ```...

Also check my repos for alternative documentation/testing setups (jsdoc, and mochai/chai I think) I've used yeoman before (for [generator-igemwiki](https://github.com/igemuoftATG/generator-igemwiki)). It's not too hard to create a template with it, but...

heh, yep I've been scratching my graphics itch recently. should make some sort of 3D water pipeline visualization one day... I hope so! I still think this project is in...

Sorry for late reply I must have overlooked this! In object mode, instead of using bytes, the `HighWaterMark` uses number of obejcts - so its up to you to estimate...

Would be nice if LOD optionally could turn loops for that component on/off. So in addition to geometry detail, don't need to waste time on more expensive loops.

a common mesh simplification algorithm is the one described by this paper: [Surface Simplification Using Quadric Error Metrics](https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~jrs/meshpapers/GarlandHeckbert2.pdf). there's various implementations of it on the internet. [in C](https://github.com/sp4cerat/Fast-Quadric-Mesh-Simplification). [in Go](https://github.com/fogleman/simplify)...

For now yes, but to future proof for alternative mesh simplification algorithms, should accept a common format (array/object of meshes or something like that), basically have a way to pass...

There is not much to explain - works the same as a normal texture except you construct the array buffer yourself (thats why need to set encoding, e.g. `rgb` vs...