Julian Mazzitelli
Julian Mazzitelli
I have a module for data textures from whs v1. I think either a `DataTextureModule` and `TextureModule` (see #213) can exist, or there can be one generic one. Here is...
Some improvements can be made to `TextureModule` - [x] allow setting more options on underlying texture from constructor (make sure includes every option three does) - [x] `minFilter` and `magFilter`...
https://github.com/visionmedia/debug it can be a help to have a trace of steps when debugging problems - in general console.log helps in these cases. it can also be really useful for...
http://spite.github.io/rstats/ Since it can be used to measure specific items over specific actions, could be cool as component module. For example, maybe be able to measure things from one component...
I think it would make more sense for `src/core/LightComponent.js` to be at `src/components/lights/LightComponent.js` - there is this (somewhat arbitrary) assumption about "core ness". At least when digging through the hierarchy...
Continuing from https://github.com/bionode/bionode-fasta/issues/6 Goals: - backwards compatibility as much as possible (maybe legacy v0.12.x) - help engage new members by not being super bleeding edge - never require transpilation of...
Cool project! :) Are you aware of anyone using this for autocompletions? There is [vison](https://github.com/Quramy/vison) which should work directly, but [won't handle yaml](https://github.com/Quramy/vison/issues/2). Writing manifests with schema + live cluster...
I feel like you might just need to update to a more recent Electron? I dont know, but anyways, noticed there haven't been any new releases since 0.1 and this...
Hi, great blog post! :) Was wondering where `hostvars[groups['swarm-master'][0]].swarmtoken` ([line](https://github.com/rsmitty/cross-cloud-swarm/blob/23181cf6f3a9ccbd50d67d28f88c30c6c4690d74/swarm.yml#L51)) comes from? I don't see it included in the terraform module to build an ansible inventory file.
"External" inputs being referred to here as those which come from the canonical `inputs.json` (though it can be named anything). See the [CWL Generic Execution Process](https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/CommandLineTool.html#Generic_execution_process) 1. Load, process and...