Michał Cichoń

Results 177 comments of Michał Cichoń

@crolando Are you trying to use GLFW3 on Windows?

You can use this script to find glfw3 on windows: [Findglfw3.cmake.txt](https://github.com/thedmd/imgui-node-editor/files/5647832/Findglfw3.cmake.txt) Remove `.txt` and put it in `misc/cmake-modules/Findglfw3.cmake`. Change path to GLFW3 here: ```cmake set(GLFW_ROOT_DIR c:/Users/thedmd/Desktop/ProjectX-Deps/glfw-3.3.2.bin.WIN64) set(GLFW_VERSION_STRING 3.2.2) ``` To...

You can add extra font with higher oversample and use if for node editor only. Changing font before `ed::Begin` and `ed::Resume` and restoring after `ed::End` and `ed::Suspend` should do the...

Public API do not cover every base yet. So far I didn't have a need for such function because blueprints I had to deal with already had such functions. Enhancements...

Can you tell if editor is updated when it's window is minimized?

Does it help if you skip calling the editor when window is minimized?

I will guard the code for that case.

@Gh0stBlade Issue is fixed on develop branch. I'm punching out there fixes for other issues before making a release. So it is as stable as it can get.

Thanks for an update. I suspect this may be related to mouse being moved to (-1, -1) when focus is lost. Can you confirm this?

There was a fix for dragging shooting to infinity when window loose focus. Can you it? It is on develop. Can you tell me what size is sent to ed::Begin()...