
Results 7 issues of thecookiemomma

I'd like to see a hotkey to "add another" so that when you finish with one, it reopens the list and you can pick another. Say, if you "shift enter"...

Idea: When I'm done putting data into one field, sometimes, I want to put more into another field. Could put a link at the bottom of the dialog "Another field?"...

One step that might be good to have, especially if you are using single notes for scenes (or sections in nonfic) instead of chapters, is to put a chapter title...

needs investigating

Thank you so much for your work on this. I do have a request. I'd like to be able to customize the output of the verses. I have a [!verse]...


This plugin is great. I see a lot of uses for it. However, I thought of one possibility that might make it more useful. Many podcasts have an episode number...

Would it be possible to extend your "canvas" features to any canvas that fits criteria, such as tags, or in folders? I am loving the new stuff. Thank you!


Here is my use case: I'm writing something that breaks down into scenes and chapters. I can set up sections and chapters with groups, but scenes doesn't really work as...

more info needed