Thanks for all the hard work on this! Although I've gotten almost every other feature to work, the API will not detect a known-good Wiimotion Plus plugged into the Wiimote....
After replacing scripts/setup-offline/run-setup-tts.js with the above code, I now get this error: ``` c:\Users\User1\.leon>npm run setup:offline-tts > [email protected] setup:offline-tts > ts-node scripts/setup-offline/run-setup-tts.js c:\Users\User1\.leon\node_modules\@swc\core\index.js:241 return bindings.transformSync(isModule ? JSON.stringify(src) : src, isModule,...
> The problem is "wget" command which is not avaliable on windows sistem. Instead we can use de command "curl" with -o and -L option. > > After some researches...
I then went back to another doc page here: And so I ran: > [email protected] setup:offline > ts-node scripts/setup-offline/setup-offline.js ℹ️ Checking OS environment... 🚨 Voice offline mode is not...