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Error while setting up offline-tts on Windows 10

Open myramnath opened this issue 1 year ago â€ĸ 4 comments


  • Leon version: 1.0.0-beta.8
  • OS (or browser) version: Windows 10
  • Node.js version: v18.15.0
  • Complete "leon check" (or "npm run check") output: .: REPORT :. ℹī¸ Here is the diagnosis about your current setup ✅ Run ✅ Run skills ✅ Reply you by texting ✅ Start the TCP server ⚠ī¸ Amazon Polly text-to-speech ⚠ī¸ Google Cloud text-to-speech ⚠ī¸ Watson text-to-speech ⚠ī¸ Offline text-to-speech ⚠ī¸ Google Cloud speech-to-text ⚠ī¸ Watson speech-to-text ⚠ī¸ Offline speech-to-text

✅ Hooray! Leon can run correctly ℹī¸ If you have some yellow warnings, it is all good. It means some entities are not yet configured

  • (if using Docker) Complete "npm run docker:check" output:
  • (optional) Leon skill version:

Expected Behavior

Should Install offline tts

Actual Behavior

Got this error:

leon>npm run setup:offline-tts

[email protected] setup:offline-tts ts-node scripts/setup-offline/run-setup-tts.js

ℹī¸ Setting up offline text-to-speech... ℹī¸ Downloading run-time synthesis engine... 🚨 Failed to install offline text-to-speech: Error: Command failed with exit code 1: cd scripts/tmp && wget http://ports.ubuntu.com/pool/universe/f/flite/flite_2.1-release.orig.tar.bz2 'wget' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 🚨 Failed to set up offline TTS: Error: Command failed with exit code 1: cd scripts/tmp && wget http://ports.ubuntu.com/pool/universe/f/flite/flite_2.1-release.orig.tar.bz2 'wget' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

How Do We Reproduce?

Try installing on Windows 10

Extra (like a sample repo to reproduce the issue, etc.)

myramnath avatar May 11 '23 17:05 myramnath

The problem is "wget" command which is not avaliable on windows sistem. Instead we can use de command "curl" with -o and -L option.

After some researches I figured out that the command function executes the script inserted as parameter in cmd.exe in windows systems ( maybe I'm wrong ).

I tried to execute the curl command with -O and -L parameters, as mentioned before, but I got a couple of errors. So I modified the parameters suplied to curl to avoid also The revocation function was unable to check revocation for the certificate error with curl -O "http://simple-test" --ssl-no-revok and everything went right.

Finally the modified code in "scripts/setup-offline/run-setup-tts.js" should be:

import`` fs from 'node:fs'

import { command } from 'execa'

import { LogHelper } from '@/helpers/log-helper'
import { SystemHelper } from '@/helpers/system-helper'

 * Set up offline text-to-speech
export default () =>
  new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
    LogHelper.info('Setting up offline text-to-speech...')

    const destFliteFolder = 'bin/flite'
    const tmpDir = 'scripts/tmp'
    let makeCores = ''
    if (SystemHelper.getNumberOfCPUCores() > 2) {
      makeCores = `-j ${SystemHelper.getNumberOfCPUCores() - 2}`
    let downloader = 'wget'
    if (SystemHelper.getInformation().type === 'macos') {
      downloader = 'curl -L -O'
    } else if (SystemHelper.getInformation().type === 'windows') { // this is the added block for windows curl command
        downloader = 'curl -O --ssl-no-revok'

    if (!fs.existsSync(`${destFliteFolder}/flite`)) {
      try {
        LogHelper.info('Downloading run-time synthesis engine...')
        await command(
          `cd ${tmpDir} && ${downloader} http://ports.ubuntu.com/pool/universe/f/flite/flite_2.1-release.orig.tar.bz2`,
          { shell: true }
        LogHelper.success('Run-time synthesis engine download done')
        await command(
          `cd ${tmpDir} && tar xfvj flite_2.1-release.orig.tar.bz2 && cp ../assets/leon.lv flite-2.1-release/config`,
          { shell: true }
        LogHelper.success('Unpack done')
        await command(
          `cd ${tmpDir}/flite-2.1-release && ./configure --with-langvox=leon`,
          { shell: true }
        LogHelper.success('Configure done')
        await command(`cd ${tmpDir}/flite-2.1-release && make ${makeCores}`, {
          shell: true
        LogHelper.success('Build done')
        await command(
          `cp -f ${tmpDir}/flite-2.1-release/bin/flite ${destFliteFolder} && rm -rf ${tmpDir}/flite-2.1-release*`,
          { shell: true }
        LogHelper.success('Clean done')
        LogHelper.success('Offline text-to-speech installed')

      } catch (e) {
        LogHelper.error(`Failed to install offline text-to-speech: ${e}`)
    } else {
      LogHelper.success('Offline text-to-speech is already installed')

curl check revocation error on stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54938026/curl-unknown-error-0x80092012-the-revocation-function-was-unable-to-check-r

TheAnalist avatar May 12 '23 11:05 TheAnalist

After replacing scripts/setup-offline/run-setup-tts.js with the above code, I now get this error:

c:\Users\User1\.leon>npm run setup:offline-tts

> [email protected] setup:offline-tts
> ts-node scripts/setup-offline/run-setup-tts.js

            return bindings.transformSync(isModule ? JSON.stringify(src) : src, isModule, toBuffer(newOptions));
  × Expected 'from', got '`'
 1 │ import`` fs from 'node:fs'
   ·       ─

Caused by:
    0: failed to process input file
    1: Syntax Error
    at Compiler.transformSync (c:\Users\User1\.leon\node_modules\@swc\core\index.js:241:29)
    at Object.transformSync (c:\Users\User1\.leon\node_modules\@swc\core\index.js:348:21)
    at Object.transpile (c:\Users\User1\.leon\node_modules\ts-node\src\transpilers\swc.ts:69:39)
    at c:\Users\User1\.leon\node_modules\ts-node\src\index.ts:1355:35
    at Object.compile (c:\Users\User1\.leon\node_modules\ts-node\src\index.ts:1458:13)
    at Module.m._compile (c:\Users\User1\.leon\node_modules\ts-node\src\index.ts:1617:30)
    at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1435:10)
    at Object.require.extensions.<computed> [as .js] (c:\Users\User1\.leon\node_modules\ts-node\src\index.ts:1621:12)
    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1207:32)
    at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1023:12) {
  code: 'GenericFailure'

c:\Users\User1\.leon>npm run setup:offline-stt

Evidently the Windows TTS script also needs a rewrite, as I get:

c:\Users\User1\.leon>npm run setup:offline-stt

> [email protected] setup:offline-stt
> ts-node scripts/setup-offline/run-setup-stt.js

ℹī¸  Setting up offline speech-to-text...
ℹī¸  Downloading pre-trained model...
🚨 Failed to install offline speech-to-text: Error: Command failed with exit code 1: cd scripts/tmp && wget https://github.com/coqui-ai/STT-models/releases/download/english/coqui/v1.0.0-huge-vocab/model.tflite
'wget' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
🚨 Failed to set up offline STT: Error: Command failed with exit code 1: cd scripts/tmp && wget https://github.com/coqui-ai/STT-models/releases/download/english/coqui/v1.0.0-huge-vocab/model.tflite
'wget' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

...so the same wget problem.

thebitmaster avatar Jan 05 '24 00:01 thebitmaster

The problem is "wget" command which is not avaliable on windows sistem. Instead we can use de command "curl" with -o and -L option.

After some researches I figured out that the command function executes the script inserted as parameter in cmd.exe in windows systems ( maybe I'm wrong ).

I tried to execute the curl command with -O and -L parameters, as mentioned before, but I got a couple of errors. So I modified the parameters suplied to curl to avoid also The revocation function was unable to check revocation for the certificate error with curl -O "http://simple-test" --ssl-no-revok and everything went right.

Finally the modified code in "scripts/setup-offline/run-setup-tts.js" should be:

import`` fs from 'node:fs'

import { command } from 'execa'

import { LogHelper } from '@/helpers/log-helper'
import { SystemHelper } from '@/helpers/system-helper'

 * Set up offline text-to-speech
export default () =>
  new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
    LogHelper.info('Setting up offline text-to-speech...')

    const destFliteFolder = 'bin/flite'
    const tmpDir = 'scripts/tmp'
    let makeCores = ''
    if (SystemHelper.getNumberOfCPUCores() > 2) {
      makeCores = `-j ${SystemHelper.getNumberOfCPUCores() - 2}`
    let downloader = 'wget'
    if (SystemHelper.getInformation().type === 'macos') {
      downloader = 'curl -L -O'
    } else if (SystemHelper.getInformation().type === 'windows') { // this is the added block for windows curl command
        downloader = 'curl -O --ssl-no-revok'

    if (!fs.existsSync(`${destFliteFolder}/flite`)) {
      try {
        LogHelper.info('Downloading run-time synthesis engine...')
        await command(
          `cd ${tmpDir} && ${downloader} http://ports.ubuntu.com/pool/universe/f/flite/flite_2.1-release.orig.tar.bz2`,
          { shell: true }
        LogHelper.success('Run-time synthesis engine download done')
        await command(
          `cd ${tmpDir} && tar xfvj flite_2.1-release.orig.tar.bz2 && cp ../assets/leon.lv flite-2.1-release/config`,
          { shell: true }
        LogHelper.success('Unpack done')
        await command(
          `cd ${tmpDir}/flite-2.1-release && ./configure --with-langvox=leon`,
          { shell: true }
        LogHelper.success('Configure done')
        await command(`cd ${tmpDir}/flite-2.1-release && make ${makeCores}`, {
          shell: true
        LogHelper.success('Build done')
        await command(
          `cp -f ${tmpDir}/flite-2.1-release/bin/flite ${destFliteFolder} && rm -rf ${tmpDir}/flite-2.1-release*`,
          { shell: true }
        LogHelper.success('Clean done')
        LogHelper.success('Offline text-to-speech installed')

      } catch (e) {
        LogHelper.error(`Failed to install offline text-to-speech: ${e}`)
    } else {
      LogHelper.success('Offline text-to-speech is already installed')

curl check revocation error on stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54938026/curl-unknown-error-0x80092012-the-revocation-function-was-unable-to-check-r

One thing I'm fairly sure is wrong is that there shouldn't be the two ''s after the first 'import' in the script. I removed those and tried again. This time I get:

c:\Users\User1.leon\scripts\setup-offline>npm run setup:offline-tts

[email protected] setup:offline-tts ts-node scripts/setup-offline/run-setup-tts.js

and that's it. When I try to do

leon start

again I still get:

.: TTS :. ℹī¸ Initializing TTS...

.: FLITE TTS SYNTHESIZER :. ✅ New instance 🚨 Cannot find bin\flite\flite You can set up the offline TTS by running: "npm run setup:offline-tts"

thebitmaster avatar Jan 05 '24 01:01 thebitmaster

I then went back to another doc page here:


And so I ran:

[email protected] setup:offline ts-node scripts/setup-offline/setup-offline.js

ℹī¸ Checking OS environment... 🚨 Voice offline mode is not available on Windows 🚨 undefined


So is it actually not supported yet?

Thanks for all your hard work on Leon!

thebitmaster avatar Jan 05 '24 01:01 thebitmaster