Daniel J. Lewis
Daniel J. Lewis
Oddly, nothing related to MySQL works when I use "localhost," as this appears to use a socket that isn't available in MNPP. (I'm not exactly sure I understand this.) But...
I had great hopes for MNPP, but I'm giving up. There's nearly no documentation. What little exists is poorly written and confusing. I'm on Mountain Lion and the installation is...
I discovered one of the main problems I was having was trying to get MNPP to open site folders outside of htdocs. Is this possible? In my case, I want...
I discovered that the htdocs and other folders for MNPP have the wrong permissions assigned. "Everyone" is set to "no access," which seems to cause the problems of not being...
Have you considered adding support, or releasing an alternative version for Next.js?
I'd love to see this also support Borderlands, Borderlands 2, and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. [Perhaps the source of this seemingly broken script could help](https://github.com/trs/shift-code-redeemer).
Please forgive my ignorance, but after installing via `go get -u github.com/matt1484/bl3_auto_vip`, how am I supposed to run the app if I was to do so with Go?
Sure, I'm behind. But I finally upgraded from macOS High Sierra to Mojave (yes, last year's macOS). I _did_ right-click on the app to fix the identification issue. So I...
I'd love to see this package add support for 3c's grid bots!
[According to the Radix UI API documentation](https://www.radix-ui.com/docs/primitives/components/navigation-menu#vertical) and Navigation Menu's Typescript, there's an `orientation` prop that can be used to change the menu to `"vertical"`. However, adding that option doesn't...