
Results 12 issues of EricKwok

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** This is not necessary but fun to obfuscate all variable with unicode characters. Now if I use emoji as dictionary...

PS: The question mark is not in my `dialogContent` argument and I think dialog should not add this for me.

参照 [#138]( 的建议,将 w!! 从 keymap 改成了 command,现在输入W或Wq即可强制保存(退出)

我在安装脚本中新增了“创建一个启动图形界面的图标”相关的命令 新增了 来运行图形界面,并且让启动器图标启动该脚本 修改了卸载脚本,以匹配安装脚本 优化安装和卸载脚本,把硬编码的路径改成了变量,以便修改 更新了自述文件,增加了图形使用相关的内容

这是一个 Feature Request。 感谢!❤

[wakatime.log]( This problem remains even if I delete XcodeSigner2018 from both Keychain and my $HOME dir. Edit: OS version: macOS 11.3 beta (20E5186d) $ xcodebuild -version Xcode 12.4 Build version...

demo 链接位于 为了易于辨识,我将背景颜色改成了绿色。 这个问题会影响到在移动端 Safari 上运行时的显示效果。 为了复现该问题,编译时采用 `flutter build web --web-renderer html` 命令,且在 web/index.html 的 head 中加入以下代码: ```html // 强制使用 html 引擎渲染 window.flutterWebRenderer = "html"; ``` 以下是示例代码: ```dart //...

**Describe the bug** The HeliPort icon in status bar shows it's scanning for network, but I've already connected and are able to surf online. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the...


### Issue Description I tried to input command from the console, and it don't display. Then I pressed ENTER, the comand runs sussefully. ### Steps to Reproduce the Issue 1....

[here]( is there source code. I'm here to request for a cross compile. Your repo is very helpful and I'm very appreciate your job!