
Results 18 comments of EricKwok

Same here ``` Kext with invalid signatured (-67062) allowed: { URL = "file:///Volumes/Data/eric/Downloads/AppleIntelWiFiMVM.kext/", ID = "org.opentools.AppleIntelWiFiMVM" } ```


我也没成功,卡型号为 AC8265,id 为 8087:0a2b,系统版本 Big Sur 11.6.1 ,OC 0.7.6,连接的蓝牙设备是 Logitech Pebble 蓝牙鼠标

I found a translation project on GitHub But the content inside is not the latest version. I will try to do the translation if I have some free time...

我写脚本也遇到了这个问题,顺手补充一下 TamperMonkey 开发者的说明😵:

~~使用 UserScripts 软件可以运行,iOS 和 macOS 的 Safari 均可。~~ 目前 UserScripts 软件对 GM api 的支持还不完整,诸如 `GM_registerMenuCommand` 的 api 还无法使用。先不要更改帮助文档。 项目地址: 参见:

It seems that battery percentage cannot update after booted up.

``` #Maintained by: RehabMan for: Laptop Patches #battery_HP-Pavilion-bc015tx.txt # Modified from battery_HP-Pavilion-n012tx.txt by rockvignesh25 # 2020-2-17 modified by the-eric-kwok # Works for: HP-Pavilion-bc015tx # Split BADC -> ADC0, ADC1 into...