This will have less to do with the addon manager and more to do with one of the addons themselves. > and an ARCdps crash report. Most likely ArcDps. :P
I might work on that then. Is there an existing list of designations that we'd like for categories?
Is an application the best idea? Are build templates something that would be able to accomplish this?
Taking this one. In short: Create a generic job system/threadpool, and then use that to parallelize set updates. In long: I'll get some code examples of what I mean soon™
If rewritten as an interaction, this behaviour is trivial to add with command buttons.
Revisiting this, I've had a few ideas on how to implement a fix and tidy up the stats overall: - Create a `ChannelFlags` / `CategoryFlags` type(s) that work similar to...
Also relevant to this are #699 and #850
No, there should be a distinct difference. Designations designate a channel for a dedicated purpose, i.e. the promotion log or starboard - the primary reason for that channel existing. Flags...
This is still relevant, the command simply errors out with an invalid user ID. Responding with an notice that the ID is that of a ghost user would be useful....
> According to their policy, it does: > > > Scraping refers to extracting data from our Service via an automated process, such as a bot or webcrawler. It does...