Thanh Nguyen

Results 10 issues of Thanh Nguyen

Hi. Thanks a lot for the awesome plugin! I am having a strange bug that comes from Conjure's REPL however: ```racket #lang racket (define greater-than '(> x 0)) (display greater-than)...


Resolve #10367 ## Standards checklist: - [x] The PR title is descriptive. - [x] The PR doesn't replicate another PR which is already open. - [x] I have read the...

Area: plugin
Type: documentation

Hi. I followed your documentation on DSON format and managed to decode the files. However, on encoding JSON files to DSON files, I found a difference with my own `Meta2Block`...

Hi. Thanks for the awesome product. I encountered a rather strange issue, however: after building the binary from source and running it successfully, Fathom simply does not increase the page...

I'm not so sure about the monoid section, where it's stated that: > Array concatenation also forms a monoid With the example: ```js [1, 2].concat([3, 4]) ``` I don't feel...

Make yarr installable on desktop and mobile. Tested with: - Vivaldi desktop - Vivaldi mobile Screenshots Also fix an edge case where HTTP Basic authentication is used and the browser...

Hi. Thanks for the awesome work! I am using Home Manager within Pop OS 22.04 and have got stuck trying to make nixGL works. My configuration basically looks like this:...

Hi! Thanks for the awesome project! I encountered a "strange" error with the example in "Writing an Invariant". After setting `is_unique = TRUE`, the code looks like this: ``` ----...

Thanks for taking the time to suggest an addition to awesome-selfhosted! Please fill out information below (all fields are mandatory unless noted otherwise): ```yaml name: "Crypta" website_url: "" source_code_url: ""...

needs to mature

Hi! Suppose I have this table: ```sql CREATE TABLE `folders` ( `id` text PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, `name` text NOT NULL, `position` real DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, `updated_at` text DEFAULT...
