Terri Oda

Results 388 comments of Terri Oda

I don't really know how to fix this one, and it's been a while. Are you still working on this or should we close it for now and you can...

Hey @XDRAGON2002 -- are you intending to still work on this? I'm cleaning up some old pull requests in preparation for the hackathon so if you're not going to work...

Since it's been so long that the logs are gone, I'm going to go ahead and update the branch to main and re-run the tests so we can see where...

I think this was resolved with #1285 and should be fixed in the 3.2 release when it comes out or in github now, so I'm going to close this issue.

We're a year later and no one's asked about this. I'll keep the issue open because it's still a viable thing for someone to work on, but I'm going to...

This hasn't come up again and I'm guessing it's not high priority enough to warrant keeping the issue open. Going to close it for now but happy to revisit if...

Flagging this with a gsoc tag so I can find it later when we're trying to put together project ideas.

interesting! I *believe* package-level data should be possible but I don't know if it's easy to do without tweaking. Even with file-level data I think we could have some fun...

(I definitely know where to ask, but I'd rather wait to nerd snipe my yocto colleagues until after hacktoberfest and the 3.2 release unless someone's really interested sooner.)

@lavi20 sure, feel free to work on it. Be warned that you'll likely have to learn a lot about yocto and it may not be particularly obvious what the right...