Terri Oda

Results 388 comments of Terri Oda

Reminding @anthonyharrison that he wanted to add some resources here. I like the beautifulsoup idea, though. it won't solve our javascript "can you click this dropdown and have it show...

Resolved the new merge conflict, running tests.

This is looking good, would you say it's ready to merge? For me: playright license is Apache, pytest-playwright license is also Apache. Unlikely to be any license compatibility issues but...

(going to let the tests run again before merge since it's been a while and I had to resolve a dependency conflict)

I'm going to re-run just that one. The fact that it's only happening on 3.7 makes me wonder if it's related to the same problems we've been having with other...

Oh and I'll add that the license compatibility paperwork is approved, so CI is the only thing I'm waiting on now.

Looks like you're also hitting the windows issue here. Does temporarily disabling GAD fix it?

Hey, how's this one going? It looks like you're just missing some tests.

Hey, I'm just tidying up the open pull requests before hacktoberfest starts. I think we can safely say that this is going to require some additional thought to fix, so...

What version of cve-bin-tool are you using? Looking at those filenames, they're all .exe files. What I believe is happening is that cve-bin-tool is using 7zip to check if they...