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Streamline error output when file is non-UTF8

Open terriko opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

I suspect @anthonyharrison is correct that this might be better as a debug statement, but I'm kind of curious as to whether restricting ourselves to one encoding is a big issue, and leaving it as a warning so users will see it will probably help me gather data, so I'm going to merge as is and we'll keep it in the back of our minds that this could move or some fancy work could happen so we only got the more useful of the two messages (which is probably the new one?)

Originally posted by @terriko in

  • Related PR: #1897

The PR linked above added a warning message if a file could not be decoded. Just opening an issue here so I don't forget that there may be an opportunity to reduce the number of warnings we issue in the future.

terriko avatar Aug 24 '22 19:08 terriko

Adding a note: it's probably a good idea to support more than one file encoding, I just don't know how hard it would be to do. there's a lot of places where python makes assumptions about unicode and we haven't really dug into better auto-detection yet. Maybe supporting more encoding options would be a viable short GSoC project for 2023?

terriko avatar Aug 24 '22 19:08 terriko

We're a year later and no one's asked about this. I'll keep the issue open because it's still a viable thing for someone to work on, but I'm going to remove the gsoc flag because it's probably not high priority enough for that program.

terriko avatar Nov 30 '23 19:11 terriko

This hasn't come up again and I'm guessing it's not high priority enough to warrant keeping the issue open. Going to close it for now but happy to revisit if someone actually cares about non-UTF8 scanning in the future.

terriko avatar Apr 17 '24 22:04 terriko