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System restore tool for Linux. Creates filesystem snapshots using rsync+hardlinks, or BTRFS snapshots. Supports scheduled snapshots, multiple backup levels, and exclude filters. Snapshots can be resto...

Results 100 timeshift issues
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Hi, apparently, every time that Timeshift runs (hourly), it spins up every connected drive (external drives mounted in /media//), when in theory it is only backing up my internal SSD....

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I am using `grub-btrfs` to allow booting into recent snapshots. To update the list of available snapshots within grub, I...

**Describe the bug** After extended periods of time, Timeshift re-mounts explicitly mounted drives (via `fstab`, at least) to `/run/timeshift/backup`; this indirectly causes other applications to sometimes fail to perform tasks...

Hello is this possible in timeshift? I prefer PARTUUID to UUID because it remains persistent after formats, making migration of host system easier from partition to partition for grub to...

**Describe the bug** In the Timeshift "About" window (MENU > ABOUT) it shows the version number & a link to teejeetech.com If the browser is already open (firefox in my...

**Describe the bug** A directory which is specifically excluded using filters ends up in the snapshot. I'm including all hidden directories of my own user into the timeshift snapshot, except...

How can I use backup files created on virtualbox? .Virtualbox accepts iso file but I don't know how to create it? The output of the following backup files is available....

**Describe the bug** Can't log in after restoring several rsync spanshots. Also, snapshots were forward in time by 2 hours (Maybe 3?). I believe this is because I used the...

#376 This creates a new setting to allow scheduled jobs to skip if system is on battery. EDIT: I have removed translation file conflicts by copying master's version into this...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** It would be nice to have the option to shutdown after a restore instead of performing a reboot. **Describe the...