timeshift icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
timeshift copied to clipboard

System restore tool for Linux. Creates filesystem snapshots using rsync+hardlinks, or BTRFS snapshots. Supports scheduled snapshots, multiple backup levels, and exclude filters. Snapshots can be resto...

Results 100 timeshift issues
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My install (Ubuntu 20.04) is doing the Daily backup at 4:01pm (16:01). If I quit before that then no backup gets done for that day. I have searched everywhere on...

I have `/` on `/dev/sda2`, timeshift snapshot is stored in `/dev/sda3`. If I want to use BTRFS mode. which of these partitions must use BTRFS, or both must be BTRFS?...

**Describe the bug** This started with IBus indication visible in my system tray after a restore when it was not there before. This was obvious as it put a blue...

Hello, as I have a Truenas scale server, I really like the possibility to rsync against that. Some clients that aready has the possibility to do that is : deja-dup,backintime-gnome,...

Neither the man page nor the GitHub page explain where the config file is located. I'm on Arch and I can see that there's a `/etc/timeshift/default.json` file. Is this it?...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I do mount my target to /timeshift (until the last system update which updated timeshift as well). This is an...

**Unable to compile from source** With the given notes I am unable to configure the source to build this on my non-Debian non-RH systems. I use a mix of non-systemd...

Hello! I've made these systemd timer units, they are based on snappers timer units but should do the same job as the current cron-job, with the added benefit of also...

The documentation says that the /boot/efi partition must be mounted. Does this mean timeshift only works if /boot/efi is the EFI partition, or will /boot work as well (given this...

if you mount root through LABEL=blah instead of /dev/... reference or UUID timeshift fails with : The system partition has an unsupported subvolume layout. Only ubuntu-type layouts with @ and...