Jan-Ole Schümann

Results 128 comments of Jan-Ole Schümann

> I support the merging of this patch as it is require to work with the ESP32 board package and Arduino and CMake. You'll find it merged in my fork:...

Any chance you could open a PR here: https://github.com/technyon/Arduino-CMake-Toolchain I'm trying to build a maintained version as nothing is happening here.

I can confirm 1.4.15 is broke, same error here with offline license. Reverting back to 1.4.14 fixes the issue.

Any update on this? The windows build is completely broken like this, and there's already a pull request.

Hi and sorry for the late answer. It's not possible to pair more than one lock (or opener) at this time ... not sure how I'd handle that in the...

I guess it should be possible - the LAN8720 code has to be adopted.

Hi, it should be possible to port this to the Olimex board. However, there are quite a few more boards with LAN connectivity and this is a project I'm running...

Sure ... thinking about maybe it's enough to just wire a LAN8710A module the same way it's wired on the board? They are fairly cheap.

I'm using clion, but if your question is how to compile the code it's a cmake project. Have a look at my other project "coffeetimer", there's a howto for compiling....

- you have to checkout with submodules. Run: git submodule update --init --recursive - You should create a subdirectory for building, usually "build": mkdir build cd build cmake -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/home/philipp/Arduino-CMake-Toolchain-master/Arduino-toolchain.cmake...