Tiffany Jansen
Tiffany Jansen
Absolutely! I would also really like to get this merged. Thanks for bringing it back to my attention, I will start working on it this week.
@adrn Hi, thanks for the update/nudge! Looks like this fell off my radar because I just could not understand why the ci/circleci check is failing :sweat_smile:... If anyone has any...
Thanks for looking it over @pllim! Sorry it was unusually sloppy, I forgot to run pycodestyle before pushing 😱 (I used to have my sublimelinter running but it has mysteriously...
Ohh my gosh thanks for the reminder, @bmorris3! For some reason I had it in my head that I was waiting for comments... Will get to it soon!
> * add synphot to the testing matrix dependencies [here]( So I tried adding synphot to this line but I'm getting a conflict error... what's the correct way of going...
Ah okay, I misunderstood "rebase" to mean "squash". Now that the conflicts are fixed, travis is still angry... I tried a few different approaches to adding synphot to '.travis.yml' but...