I am using the board to build a CNC. Marlin is capable to work with a CNC ( CNC coordinates exists)
yes there is GRBL boards dedicated for that but in 8 bits. I want a 32 bits board, and marlin is also able to do CNC. There are many projects...
But in SKRV1.4 and also in Marlin it is shown in the code that Extruders can be 0 : // This defines the number of extruders // :[0, 1, 2,...
Hello, Yes for sure they are not using same cable. Exaclty the display is showing this message "No printer attached", and I can use the Home button, the X, Y,...
Hello Hello I compile and flash the display, but the result is unchanged, still "No printer attached" and move does not update the values on the screen.
Thanks but this is for TFT35, and the branch for TFT35 is not the same a TFT43 or TFT70. You suggest me to buy a TFT35 instead?
The only way I found is to set EXTRUDER 1 , and to not assign any StepperMotor for E0 or E1 ( not defined, so commented), and also to reasign...
Hello After many tried, and time passed by patching even Marlin Code and also TFT70 code, I decide to leave it like withextruders to 1, and to modify marlin to...
Hello On SKR V1.4, and probably on sKRV1.4 turbo there is an hardware bug on optical endstop on Z axis. There is a wrong resistor on the board ( Z...
no update, I perform many test with many parameters in Cura, also change the nozzle to quality nozzle brozzl and Trianglelab, but still same behaviour. Even with a 0,3 nozzle...