
Results 21 comments of tebe

The link (https://scrimba.com/topic-mithril) posted by @perborgen doesn't work any more. There are a few other topics when searching for mithril (https://scrimba.com/search?q=mithril). Maybe this issue could be closed?

The submitted original link leads to a 404. Can we close this issue?

Very interesting and accurate findings!

@JAForbes I would love to do this (easy) task.

It seems that this issue is still relevant. @dead-claudia I would love to fix this. Would you mind assign me the issue?

And not to forget [Mithril by Examples](https://mithril-by-examples.js.org/), which is perhaps the most comprehensive snippets repo for Mithril.js

I stumpled upon this issue while looking for the official asciidoctor image on docker registry. Is there any progress on this? The issue is exactly one year old.

Das ist mit dieser Fehlermeldung schwierig zu beurteilen. Auf jeden Fall scheint das eine frühe Version von Herbie zu sein. Das sieht man an der verlangten PHP-Version. Die einfachste Lösung...

Ich schliesse dieses Issue, da die Weiterentwicklung von Version 2 wieder Fahrt aufgenommen hat. Das Problem kann somit eigentlich nur mit einem Update auf eine neue Version gelöst werden. Version...

I'll try to fix this next week, I'm on holidays right now. It seems, that there is a makefile for building the site. https://github.com/7guis/7guis/blob/master/site/Makefile#L22 The makefile itself must be fixed...