Tyler Bradley
Tyler Bradley
FYI - I have also posted this question [on RStudio Community](https://community.rstudio.com/t/programmatically-update-row-selection-or-other-attributes-of-reactable/47443)
This is great! Thanks for getting back to me and implementing this! A couple of follow-up questions based on playing with the dev version this morning: 1. When the row...
This is awesome! One last question to go with the updating the selected page. Is there a way to access the number of rows per page? If I restrict it...
I like the second approach and I think a lot of shiny users will prefer that rather than having to write the JS calback functions. Another benefit would be that...
Hi @glin I am not sure whether this is something that falls under this issue or if I should open a new one but it looks like if you pass...
@slopp next week works for me!
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