Thomas Binétruy-Pic
Thomas Binétruy-Pic
Hi! I'm confirming the `empty_implicit_account` error is now indeed gone! However, that `_proto is readonly` error remains. It's really weird as it only happens when running against the testnet. Any...
Hi, sorry for the late reply. I'm not at all trying to modify it. Somewhere in your library code is the variable trying to get mutated. But not by us....
Any news ? This would be such a great feature to have ! It's the last thing preventing me from living in Emacs :)
There is none. You can make it work pretty easily for iOS though: Install react-native-audioplayer as prescribed on the docs ( Add this before `@end` in RNAudioPlayer.h: `@property (strong, nonatomic)...
I just wrote a comment to show how to get streaming an audio file working on iOS: I works for streaming audio files, not icecast like streams though (or...
Thanks for your feedback, greatly helpful ! Unfortunately, somehow, we're still not managing to import pytezos on one of our dev's M1. Pytezos installs fine but cannot find libsodium. We'll...
Ok, on some macos systems, you need to export `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/homebrew/lib/` rather than `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` ;)