I use Postal with SendGrid in Azure (Web Apps). The only thing I changed was in the web.config. ``` ``` And then I just dynamic e = new Email("view"); e.Send();...
Have you looked at the executed T-SQL to see what parameter is getting passed in? I have never had an issue with this setting. You can use SQL Profiler to...
@schotime how do you feel about something like the below as an additional overload on update for a concurrency option. The overload would take a snapshot object (instead of the...
@schotime any interest in doing something like this? I'm about to need a solution for this in a project I'm on. But I don't want to have my own fork....
The issue with with row version is that it changes if any column changes. In a table that is 50 columns wide and I'm updating the address, I don't care...
You could consider an extension message that creates the sql for you. Something like, Db.IncrementColumn(“Column”) Or Maybe using an action and some reflection. Then, use the name of the property...
@schotime I see you closed this, was there a workaround for this or just something not interested in doing? I never found a fix and just wrote all the code...
Lol. That’s funny. My inbox was flooded was closed issues! Any thoughts on this one? I’ve never looked at the code that handles this piece.
Its main use case is to allow a model to be used when you're using multiple tables with similar column names without having to write the SELECT and possibly the...
@schotime - I didn't realize this was here so long!! Any chance of getting this in? Getting tired of replacing [] with () :)