Tim Wheeler
Tim Wheeler
If you have repeated data you can end up with NaNs in your weights. ``` using GaussianMixtures data = Array(Float64, 110, 1) # one variable data[1:100] = randn(100) data[101:110] =...
Saving a 0-dimensional array can cause an error: ```julia JLD.save("file.jld", "name", Array(Int)) ``` ``` LoadError: MethodError: no method matching one(::Type{Any}) Closest candidates are: one(!Matched::Type{Measures.Length{:mm,Float64}}) at /home/tim/.julia/v0.5/Plots/src/layouts.jl:17 one(!Matched::Type{Measures.Length{:pct,Float64}}) at /home/tim/.julia/v0.5/Plots/src/layouts.jl:35 one(!Matched::BitArray{2})...
Have been looking around and cannot find any nice DAG layout algorithms, similar to what graphviz dot does. Have no idea how to do it - looks like NetworkX doesn't...
The partial derivative of max currently uses the Julia Base implementation: ```juia max(x,y) = ifelse(y < x, x, y) ``` Unfortunately, this may cause incorrect results when the Dual values...
NetworkLayout.jl currently has the Buchheim algorithm for laying out trees. Often data sets are hierarchical, but are not trees. It'd be great to have a layout algorithm for directed acyclic...
For some reason the `latex()` wrapped strings don't show up for me. I have temporarily removed them in bandits.jl
δ is typically 4. If δ is allowed to be floating point you can end up with values like 0.5, which produces complex results for negative v_ratio. Will probably change...
The intelligent driver model is traditionally free of stochasticity. The implementation in AutomotveDrivingModels includes a value for a Gaussian variance to add stochasticity. I propose that we decouple these concepts....
The current API has a lot of methods that use camel case: `tikzCode`, `plotHelper`, etc. This package was written before Julia settled on underscore case: `tikz_code`, `plot_helper`, etc. Furthermore, some...
At the end of the day the PGFPlots.jl package needs to print the right property trees to a LaTeX document. Currently, many of the objects have a mix of specified...