Tim Wheeler
Tim Wheeler
Awesome! That will be super useful
Oh interesting. The MDP / POMDP representation in the book is decidedly less efficient than what one typically wants to use "for real" with POMDPs.jl. We could certainly provide a...
The typewise branch has a fix for this which implements my suggested approach. ``` mutable struct StochasticLaneFollowingDriver{D
@MaximeBouton - can you advise on this?
get_neighbor_rear_along_lane returns neighbor fore when neighbor rear is in a different road segment
I think the issue has to do with: ```julia elseif is_between_segments_hi(veh.state.posF.roadind.ind, lane.curve) && is_in_entrances(roadway[tag_target], veh.state.posF.roadind.tag) distance_between_lanes = abs(roadway[tag_target].curve[1].pos - roadway[veh.state.posF.roadind.tag].curve[end].pos) s_adjust = -(roadway[veh.state.posF.roadind.tag].curve[end].s + distance_between_lanes) elseif is_between_segments_lo(veh.state.posF.roadind.ind) && is_in_exits(roadway[tag_target], veh.state.posF.roadind.tag)...
Thanks for volunteering! There are multiple ways this could be handled. The method in question discretizes such that each bin has roughly the same number of items within it. However,...
You are referring to this? ``` # Remove bins whose width are too small (i.e.,
Using the builtin `quantile` sounds great. While [what goes on there is more complex than what we do](https://github.com/JuliaLang/Statistics.jl/blob/master/src/Statistics.jl), the code in the codebase approximates that. If we can avoid binning...
Right - ideally a uniform count algorithm for 3 bins on the data [1,2,3,4,5,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6] would give something like [1,3], [4,5], [6,6+eps()] and not [1,5] [6+eps] the way the quantile method...