The extension method is applied to both ISiloHostBuilder and ISiloBuilder in v3.5.1. But the method is only applied to ISiloBuilder in v3.6.2. Is there any reason for that change? Thanks
@benjaminpetit Thanks for the clarification. However, the https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/orleans.hosting.isilohostbuilder?view=orleans-3.0 doesn't mention that and the migration from `ISiloHostBuilder` to `ISiloBuilder` is not seamlessly. For example, OrleansServiceListener still depends on the `ISiloHostBuilder` Will...
@thakursagar I didn't do the migration. Will do that when I can not avoid. The missing function is maintained locally for the time being. @ReubenBond Thanks for the suggestion.
@zhaozong 试试这个https://github.com/taurusni/V2ray_tls_ws. 不过这个只在Ubuntu上测试过