Tatsuya Tanaka

Results 13 comments of Tatsuya Tanaka

Bitrise does not yet support Carthage 0.37.0 😢

Sorry for late reply... Please explain it in more detail.

Thank you for your contribution! It's a nice feature 👍 I'll merge it after trying it.

@AndrewSB it may be broken with Carthage build. ```bash % carthage update *** Checking out SwipeTransition at "0452b7929e128631e856dce2db0780422bacd008" *** xcodebuild output can be found in /var/folders/z3/lyh75tws0hg4nsp2wrg6gxnw0000gq/T/carthage-xcodebuild.cv7MVo.log *** Building scheme "SwipeTransition"...

0.4.3 supports Swift 5. What do you use to install this library? CocoaPods? Carthage?

@rajavijayakumarr Possibly, but I don't know Apple's detection algorithm. 🤔 Good news 🎉 UIWebView is already removed at the latest version: https://github.com/tattn/SwipeTransition/releases/tag/0.4.2 https://github.com/tattn/SwipeTransition/blob/master/Sources/SwipeTransition/SwipeToDismiss/SwipeToDismissController.swift#L110

Sorry, I fixed the example. Please pull the latest repository.

This library is read-only and reading wifi configuration data is not supported yet... It will be supported in the future.

VRMKitのロードマップとしてはMToonのサポートを考えているのですが、 まだ実装の進捗はなく、対応予定も未定な状況です 🙏 https://github.com/tattn/VRMKit#todo >ToDo VRM shaders support

参考資料ありがとうございます!とても助かります!! MToonの詳細な仕様をまだ読み込めておらず、SceneKitのどの機能が最適なのかが分かっていません。。 なるべく標準に寄せたほうが楽でメンテナンスしやすそうなので、ShaderModifierで試してみて、足りない機能が出てきた際にSCNProgramに移行するのが良さそうと考えていますー!