* Operating System: Mac OS Mojave v. 10.14 * Node version: 6.8 * google-play-scraper version: 6.2.3 ### Description: The scraper is unable to read reviews beyond page 111. No error....
Customize the general user-research plan (https://github.com/tattle-made/Uli/issues/285) for specific organizations. This plan will include: - Days, weeks when Tattle would like to interview/speak with partner organization. This will be specific in...
Synchronous online sessions are being conducted on the following dates with the partner organisations: 1. April 9th 2. April 16th 3. April 23th 4. April 24th 5. April 30th
In 2023, we are iterating on Uli in close consultation with three partner organizations. This ticket describes the tasks needed to conduct this research: - [x] #284 Identify a list...
In the feedback phase, we are testing two things: - [x] #288 - [x] #289 - [x] #419 We need to draft and execute a feedback plan for organizations that...
Overview: The [Uli slur list](https://github.com/tattle-made/Uli/blob/main/browser-extension/plugin/scripts/slur-list.txt) currently consists only of words. In addition to adding new words to the list, the words also need contextual information for it to be better...
OGBV isn't a commonly understood term. We can consider a message that accounts for the high rate of false negatives.