Tarmo Leppänen

Results 46 issues of Tarmo Leppänen

And why? That's why https://auth0.com/blog/2015/03/31/critical-vulnerabilities-in-json-web-token-libraries/

The output of `thefuck --version`: node@93bfcafa6504:/app$ thefuck --version The Fuck 3.31 using Python 3.7.3 and Bash 5.0.3(1)-release Your system (Debian 7, ArchLinux, Windows, etc.): Docker image `FROM node:16.11.1` How to...

If you look - https://github.com/overtrue/phplint/blob/8.1/bin/phplint#L4-L6 - it's telling that you need at least use PHP 5.5.9 version and it looks like that is not anymore true - https://github.com/overtrue/phplint/blob/8.1/README.md#required - that...


| Q | A | ---------------- | ----- | Bug report? | yes | Feature request? | no | Library version | 2.4.0 After updating to `2.4.0` I see following...


It would be really great if `BackedEnum` are supported with `IsGranted` attribute.

See - https://github.com/psalm/psalm-plugin-symfony/issues/213 - for more information