Tarmo Leppänen

Results 46 issues of Tarmo Leppänen

It would be great if this amazing library supports also new Symfony 7.

| Q | A | ---------------- | ----- | Bug report? | yes | Feature request? | no | Library version | 2.6.1 Looks like if I have enum like:...

Currently this project supports fully Linux envitonment, so we need to update the docs and instructions how to use this with Mac and Windows environments. Short: * on Mac use...

After updating `@angular/core` to latest version with `ng update @angular/core` command, I'm getting following error: ``` ./node_modules/ngx-matomo/node_modules/@angular/router/fesm2022/router.mjs:4864:31-57 - Error: export 'ɵInitialRenderPendingTasks' (imported as 'ɵInitialRenderPendingTasks') was not found in '@angular/core' (possible...

We've an issue because we don't want to initialize Matomo, before user has accepted the terms of service. How would we do this? For now it looks like that init...

For some reason I'm getting this error with trivy action configuration like: ``` # GitHub Actions docs # https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-github-actions # https://help.github.com/en/articles/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions name: Vulnerability Scan on: schedule: - cron: '0 12...