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ALLHiC: phasing and scaffolding polyploid genomes based on Hi-C data
Hi, @tanghaibao I'm trying to use "allhic alleles" to get "alleles.table" from "paf", but it generates nothing. so what should I do? the allhic version is 0.9.13 Thanks in advance...
dear professor, I was assembling a triploid genome.The input of allhic is from hifiasm, `*.asm.p_utg.fa ` which is without "bubble". Runing the partition step, weird results were found. `ALLHiC_partition -b...
Dear Xingtan, When I use to separate chromosome group for fasta and BAM, some chromosomes didn't have any bam file but fasta file. Do you have any ideas for...
Hello, When drawing the heatmap by using ALLHiC_plot, how to add dotted line between the chromosomes in 'Whole_genome.pdf'? I tried it but failed. Best wishes. Thanks.
Hi, Prof. Zhang, Recently, i have a dipolid geome (2n=12) project. And it has 1.7% heterozygosity. Fisrt, i removed redundant sequnces using purge_haplotigs. Then, these contigs were scaffolding using ALLHIC....
Dear developers of AllHiC Thanks a lot for having developed this software to solve the problem of scaffolding polyploid genomes resulting in false-positive contact information between closely related copies. For...
Hello, I have a question about the input dataset when using ALLHIC. I've phased my target diploid genome assembly into contig-level using Falcon-Unzip and Falcon-Phase. Now, I want to scaffold...
After installing htslib by the server admin, now it needs another lib. Is there any way to know how many more libs it need. Also the new revised Prune is...
Hi @tangerzhang, I am running allhic with a genome of size around 3 Gb, at a read coverage of 100x. I observed super large sizes of intermediate files during pruning...
Hi, Thanks for developing this useful tool. I assembled two haplotypes from a diploid plant using the hifiasm tool with HiFi and HiC data. Now, I use HiC data to...