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A small program that glues together other programs allowing a user to input a codon alignment in FASTA format and produce an annotated phylogenetic tree showing which substitutions occurred on a given...
Not really an issue but more a feature request. Is is possible to include/incorporate bootstrap values for the generated "substitutions" tree somehow? Best, Jurre
Hello, I'm new to phylogenetic analysis and so would be grateful for advice. I attempted to implement treesub on Windows - however when I run it, I'm getting the following...
6/6] Parsing PAML results and building tree for substitutions. ERROR: java.lang.NullPointerException
Hi Asif and Ziheng, I've been trying unsuccessfully to get this to run on either Linux (Ubuntu 1804 LTS) or MacOS catalina (10.15.1). Seems that even with the example alignment...
How do I solve the error: Cannot run program "/usr/bin/unbuffer" (in directory "/home/DARWINION/jacosta/Documents/prueba-ts"): error=2, No such file or directory at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start( at treesub.gui.AnnotatorGUI$RunAction$RunWorker.doInBackground(Unknown Source) at treesub.gui.AnnotatorGUI$RunAction$RunWorker.doInBackground(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.SwingWorker$
Hi, when running treesub on incomplete sequences (i.e. alignment with gaps) stop codons emerge (e.g. I96*) in the output. This happens for entire stretches of sequences. Is there a way...
Hi, I am running into following error while running treesub on a server. [1/6] Copying file from '/home/my/data.fasta' to '/home/my/alignment'. Successfully copied file. [2/6] Converting FASTA file 'alignment' to PHYLIP...