treesub copied to clipboard
I run into this error RAxML_bestTree.RECON (No such file or directory)
Hi, I am running into following error while running treesub on a server. [1/6] Copying file from '/home/my/data.fasta' to '/home/my/alignment'. Successfully copied file.
[2/6] Converting FASTA file 'alignment' to PHYLIP file 'alignment.phylip'. Alignment has 336 sequences, each with 1751 sites. Successfully converted FASTA file.
[3/6] Running RAxML application. Output from RAxML: couldn't execute "/home/my/standard-RAxML-master/WindowsExecutables_v8.2.10/raxmlHPC.exe": permission denied while executing "spawn -noecho /home/my/standard-RAxML-master/WindowsExecutables_v8.2.10/raxmlHPC.exe -p -m GTRGAMMA -T 2 -# 10 -s alignment.raxml.phylip -n RECON" ("eval" body line 1) invoked from within "eval [list spawn -noecho] $argv" invoked from within "if {[string compare [lindex $argv 0] "-p"] == 0} { # pipeline set stty_init "-echo" eval [list spawn -noecho] [lrange $argv 1 end] clo..." (file "/usr/bin/unbuffer" line 13)
Successfully ran RAxML.
[4/6] Rooting tree by outgroup sequence. ERROR: /home/my/RAxML_bestTree.RECON (No such file or directory) /home/my/RAxML_bestTree.RECON (No such file or directory)
It looks like you're running the program on a Linux machine but pointing to the Windows RAxML executable? That won't work. You need to provide the path to the Linux RAxML executable.