Results 99 issues of Thomas Leonard

This is a proof-of-concept port of Dream to Eio. Most of the public API in dream.mli has been changed to no longer use promises and the main tutorial examples (`[1-9a-l]-*`)...

Hi, I just tried running the dream tutorials on ocaml.4.12+domains and it segfaulted after a minute or so. I can reproduce it with the first example using `siege` (though when...


Using e.g. `Luv.Unix.Os_fd.Fd.to_unix` seems to require the `luv_unix` package. This is in the 0.5.9 release archive, but isn't in opam-repository. ``` $ tar tf luv-0.5.9.tar.gz|grep opam luv-0.5.9/luv.opam luv-0.5.9/luv_unix.opam $ opam...

If you use the history view (or sync) to move from a revision where A is a parent of B to one where B is a parent of A in...


Lwt defaults to using `select`, which eventually fails on most systems with: ``` Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EINVAL, "select", "") ``` This tends to result in services that pass their tests, but fail unpredictably...

The Google README at says to run `${PATH_TO_INFRAKIT}/infrakit-flavor-vanilla`. This doesn't exist. Also, the main README ( links to, which doesn't exist. Running `infrakit plugin start manager group vanilla...

I didn't see any further pushes after getting this in the logs: ``` 2017-01-06T10:38:51.941622941Z To [email protected]:docker/datakit-test-dump 2017-01-06T10:38:51.941650629Z * [new branch] download-of-appveyor-9603 -> download-of-appveyor-9603 2017-01-06T10:39:09.967200158Z 2017-01-06 10:39 application [ERROR] Unhandled exception:...


Problems: 1. If you run without arguments, it provides an in-memory-only store. This is only useful for debugging and should not be the default. 2. If you point it at...


Currently if you want to check the status of a project that isn't itself being built by the CI, you need to add the `.monitor` file manually to tell the...


Because Git doesn't store empty directories, `mkdir` in a transaction's `rw` directory doesn't change the tree. However, because we do want the new directory to appear in `ls` listings we...
