Results 99 issues of Thomas Leonard

With 0.5.1, my project sometimes fails to compile. It seems to depend on the order of directory entries returned by readdir. bisecting, it appears this was fixed in d1d90dda649f412ae6af3d0e2dae040cafae065b -...

`prof_spacetime process` has now been running on my machine for several hours processing a 5.7G profile. I'm not sure whether to kill it or continue waiting. It would be a...

QubesDB provides us with some extra entropy in `/qubes-random-seed`. If we configure a Qubes unikernel with a random number generator, it should probably mix this in somehow.

help wanted

### System information Type | Version/Name --- | --- Distribution Name | Ubuntu Distribution Version | 22.04.4 LTS Kernel Version | Linux ubuntu 5.15.0-102-generic Architecture | x86_64 OpenZFS Version |...

Type: Defect

According to we can ask for the opam PPA and packages to be whitelisted, which would allow building with `sudo: false`, which is apparently much faster.

I just converted my blog from Octopress to omd, and I needed support for definition lists with multiple paragraphs. Not completely sure what I'm doing here, but this changed got...

When run on a ZFS partition (`Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.15.0-102-generic x86_64)`), this program spins forever and cannot be killed: ```ocaml let rec wait_with_retry uring = match Uring.wait uring with...


This uses `mirage-crypto-rng` to generate keys, ready for #22.

This seems to be an OCaml bug: However, mentions a possible work-around: > The main reason why the frame needs to be enormous seems to be the coercion...

If you define a schema with `List(Interface)` then: 1. The types are wrong: it gives e.g. ```val a_get_list : t -> [`Interface_xxx] list``` instead of ```val a_get_list : t ->...