Tak Tran

Results 14 comments of Tak Tran

I'm seeing this problem on `0.5.1` too. Turning off a device wouldn't get any disconnect callback, even after 5+ minutes

I've upgraded to 0.5.4, and the calls to `disconnect()` work (albeit with a 30s+ lag), however, I haven't been able to get the disconnect event, even leaving the device off...

I think it's related to this: http://github.com/asual/jquery-address/issues/63 That issue refers to this commit: http://github.com/asual/jquery-address/commit/f6ffdb4ec0fbbae1a8e9d91ad90f021a92687521 which basically, adds quotation marks around the expression after href=

I've also tried the `3.0` branch, but it seems to do the same.

Note: `:exjsx` is missing from the `mix.exs` in `logger_logstash_backend` too

Hi @williamngan , thanks for looking into it. Really ❤️ the API of pts.js btw 😄 I'm trying to figure out how to work with pts.js without using the global...

I've created a PR to update for React 18: https://github.com/benwiley4000/react-gif-player/pull/39. Didn't support 17 tho, but feel free to comment on it. @benwiley4000 The v0.4.2 built files did work with React...

I got it working by removing the vendor/rails folder (it's empty anyway), and adding a log folder. (also had to comment out the RAILS_GEM_VERSION line in the environment.rb file so...

> please bump to a new major version for react-gif-player, we don't want existing users with old react versions to silently update to this one. Have done this now. It's...

ah, no worries - have updated 😄