In case anyone is interested, I have Jamstix 4 running under Reaper Linux. Details are here: http://rayzoon2.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=49492#49492
I'm running a single unit test in firebase/functions with jasmine via the cli : ~~~ import {} from 'jasmine'; import { httpHelloWorldFunction } from './http.js'; describe('functions/core/functions/http', () => { it('send...
We are using the latest pretty_face from github (https://github.com/cheezy/pretty_face). Our rake file has a simple task as follows: ``` namespace :test_rake_results do Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:test_c) do |task| task.cucumber_opts = "--format PrettyFace::Formatter::Html --out...
I'm using both serverless-client-s3 and [angular-cli](https://github.com/angular/angular-cli). Unfortunately, both depend on a "dist" folder and each type has it's own specific use. To get around this, I forked your repository and...
Sorry, but I'm a bit of a newbie to VCV and am having trouble grasping the concept and how to control it. Can you post a video demonstrating how you...
### Version 24.04 ### Plugin type VST3 ### OS Linux (PopOs 20.04) ### DAW / Host (if applicable) Reaper 6.34 ### Description To reproduce (see the attached Reaper project file:...
Host: Reaper v6.34 Cardinal: 23.10 Pop OS (Linux) To reproduce: - Add cardinal as a VST in Reaper. - Save the Reaper project (RPP) file. - Add a module to...
I use the excellent LessMess in VCV but am trying to port my projects to use Cardinal (https://cardinal.kx.studio/). However Cardinal requires a GPLv3+ compatible license (as described here under "Adding...