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Demo video for eDsaroS?
Sorry, but I'm a bit of a newbie to VCV and am having trouble grasping the concept and how to control it. Can you post a video demonstrating how you would use it? Thanks :-)
I've played around with it and have most of it figured out. For anyone with questions:
Sample player based on Laurent De Soras resampler.
NOTE: All knobs can be attenuated via accompanying inputs.
- S STRT: Playback start point
- S END: Playback end point
- L STRT: Playback loop begin point. With the L MODE control enabled, playback will loop between the L STRT and L END points while the gate input is high.
- L END: Playback loop end point
- R STRT: Playback release end point. With the R MODE control enabled, playback will continue playing past the R STRT point even when the gate falls to low. If R MODE is disabled, playback stops immediately when the GATE input falls low.
- Z+ : Snap the sample markers to the nearest zero crossings in the sample.
- INIT: Initial gain level of the ADSR curve.
- ATT: Rising time while the gate is HIGH.
- SLOPE (ATT): Attack curve shape.
- PEAK: Creates an attack peak for the ADSR curve
- DEC Falling time while the gate is HIGH.
- SLOPE (DEC): Decay curve shape.
- SUS: Target CV level while decaying.
- REL: Falling time when gate is LOW.
- SLOPE (REL): Release curve shape.
- GAIN: Global gain of the sample.
Each of the looping modes has three options:
Looping is disabled
Traditional looping (playback is always forward STRT to END, then loop back to STRT).
Ping pong looping, so forward, then backwards between STRT and END.
L MODE: looping mode for the L STRT and L END markers.
R MODE: Looping mode between R STRT and S END markers, note that while looping between these two points the volume is steadily decreased to zero and playback ends at S END.
LINK: Sorry I couldn’t figure out what this knob does?
VO: Volt Per Octave Input to change pitch of sample.