Results 212 comments of Shohei YOSHIDA

Could you show us minimum configuration for reproducing this issue ?

I suppose your issue is different from this, because it looks you use non monospaced font. It is difficult to support such fonts.

I think it is impossible to solve this issue without using mono space font, such as `Lucida Sans Typewriter.

Would you tell us your Emacs version ? If you use Emacs 24.5, it may be same as this. -

Thanks for checking.

Sorry we have no plan to upload GNU ELPA. We don't establish release management now so we think that uploading GNU ELPA is no advantages.

Please wait until I understand this patch.

Sorry very too late reply. ## freezeするというサンプルと, いろいろ試してみたのですが, フリーズしたり メモリ量が極端に増えたりというのが見られませんでした.(Emacs 24.1, 24.2, 24.3 開発版). これは必要最低限の設定でも再現するものなのでしょうか ? よろしければ問題が発生する 環境について教えていただけないでしょうか ? もしくはもっと極端な例を提示していただく ことでも構いません. よろしくお願いします.

@robert-zaremba Could you tell us how to reproduce your issue ?

> Im my case you should create popup menu after ^L char in TAGS buffer. I cannot reproduce by this way. ![output](