Kelly Schultz
Kelly Schultz
When I run the following segment of code: ``` julia> using DataStructures julia> a = MutableLinkedList{Int}(1,2,3) MutableLinkedList{Int64}(1, 2, 3) julia> b = MutableLinkedList{Int}(3,4,5) MutableLinkedList{Int64}(3, 4, 5) julia> append!(a, b) ```...
I don't see any activity, is this still maintained?
I'm trying to serialize and deserialize complex values in a similar fashion to how it is done with Rust's `num-complex` + `rmp-serde` packages - expanding ComplexF32 to an array of...
## Changes - Bump javafx dependencies from 17.0.2 to 20.0.2 - Bump commons-text from 1.10 to 1.12 - Bump commons-lang3 from 3.12 to 3.14 - Bump unit-jupiter dependencies from 5.6...
## Changes - `getWorkingDirectory` was split into: `getConfigDirectory`, `getStateDirectory`, and `getTempDirectory` - in each of the returned directories, a `PolyGlot` folder is created - The original functionality of unit tests...
- python 2 has been officially EOL'd since 2020 - the last holdout, MacOS, dropped support for it (in Catalina?) - it's TIME There are a bunch of python 3...
A java 8 bridge is used within the repo for an old version of the pdf plugin [itext]( The reason that is that the free license was declined for later...