Muhittin Bilginer

Results 6 comments of Muhittin Bilginer

Hi, I have just confirmed that the problem is related to miniBufExpl. With the plugin disabled, NERDTree is capable of opening unlimited vertical buffers with the default key "s". With...

Hi, Sorry for the delay. Unfortunately it keeps happening, so I had to give up on miniBufExp and stick with CTRLP. I really wanted to help with this, but I...

Ah? I have missed that one. Ok, I will give it a try. I really like the idea behind this plugin. Thank you very much. Will let you know.

Just checking on this, any plans for a merge? Thanks.

Hi, I have made a simple function just as a test purpose: ``` function! MyFunc(myarg1, myarg2) echom "(DEBUG) Incoming aguments: " . a:myarg1 . ", " . a:myarg2 endfunction ```...

So, I have solved the issue in the following way, in case others experience similar issues, here is the solution. First of all, my problem was stemming from the fact...