vim-reload copied to clipboard
I do not think the plugin is working.
I have a simple scenario where I would like to reload a script that contains a function and a command mapping. I have installed the vim-reload plugin however I do not see the changes taking place once I run ReloadScript
for the currently open script. Any ideas?
- Are you running the literal command
or are you giving the command a filename to reload as an argument? (two different modes of operation and knowing the difference may point out where the problem is) - Do you get any messages when running the
command? (this would tell us the plug-in is at least trying to reload your Vim script) - Are you sure that the Vim script you're working on was loaded (sourced) before you tried to reload it? You can verify by checking that its filename appears in the output of the
command. - Does using Vim's
command properly reload your script?
I have made a simple function just as a test purpose:
function! MyFunc(myarg1, myarg2)
echom "(DEBUG) Incoming aguments: " . a:myarg1 . ", " . a:myarg2
then linked it to a command:
command! -nargs=* HookMyFunc call MyFunc(<f-args>)
assigned a key:
nmap <silent> <leader>z <Plug>MyHook
and defined a Plug:
I have sourced that vim script. When I hit the key combination, I can see the message being displayed. Then when I go and change something in that script, for example, replace DEBUG
with FOO
and run :ReloadScript
, nothing happens. No messages. And the function still prints the old message.
I have installed the script using NeoBundle
maybe that has something to do with this?