Sander W. van der Laan

Results 22 issues of Sander W. van der Laan

I have a subset of variants I want to plot. Only about 3,000 on 1 chromosome. And I have 7 traits. So I would like to make a `CMplot`, of...

Hi, It would be great if you could add in a function to make stratified QQ plots. For instance stratified by bins of info-score (_e.g._ and minor allele frequency...

Hi, Any chance that you have made panels for other populations too? For instance, one for the 'EAS', one for the 'AFR', 'AMR', 'SAS', and perhaps a combined 'ALL' panel...

Hi, I need to use an older version of CellProfiler and for that I need `vigra`. How do I install this on macOS 10.14.5? I git cloned the repository, but...

Hi, Would it be possible to edit this package such that it works with Illumina 450K/EPIC analytical outputs? In other words, that it works with a table of p-values associated...


Hi, I'm getting an error message regarding refFlat which I cannot immediately place. How should I interpret it? In this case I'd like to plot a region near rs12936587 on...

I am installing your tool but I get an error message. What is the best course of action for me? ``` pip install cpgtools Collecting cpgtools Using cached cpgtools-1.12.0-py3-none-any.whl (5.1...

Hi, I am getting this error... > Could not resolve host: ... when running this code: `d

Hi, It would be great to have (detailed) description of what is needed to get this package to work with alternative references. For instance, in-house references, or HRC, or UKBiobank,...

Hi, Would it be possible to include the signed r's, along with the r-squared? It would facilitate plotting LD heat maps. Thanks! Sander