Minecraft copied to clipboard
A Tiny Minecraft clone made with C++ and OpenGL.
Created by Samuel Rasquinha using C++17 and OpenGL 3.3 :game_die:
A Tiny Minecraft Clone
A Tiny Minecraft clone made with C++ and OpenGL.
Project status
This project has long since been abandoned and I will not be adding any new features to it.
Current Features
- 3D Perspective FPS style camera with smooth movement
- Terrain generation using simplex noise
- 4 Types of terrain generation options
- World structures such as trees and cactus
- Biome generation by noise quantization
- Infinite Terrain
- High Definition texture pack
- Support for fully translucent blocks such as Glass and models
- Fast chunk meshing
- Face culling
- Frustum culling
- Complete day/night cycle
- Exponential fog
- 3D AABB Collision detection
- Dynamic voxel based lighting
- Fast world saving and loading
- Complete main menu and GUI interface using ImGui
- Logger
- Over 20 types of blocks (more blocks can be added very easily)
- Cloud Skybox using cubemaps
- Accurate block editing using a voxel transversal algorithm
- Connected textures/blocks support.
- Water generation
- Efficient particle emitter
- Fully 3D Audio
- No OS Specific dependencies
- Supports windows and linux. (Should work on mac but not tested)
Features to come
- Smooth lighting with Ambient Occlusion
- Multiplayer and networking
- Dynamic Sun and clouds
- Weather
- Multithreading
This project compiles with Clang and MSVC. (Should also compile with GCC not tested.)
Contact me
- See github "about me"
The block art, skybox art and fonts are not made by me. All credits go to their owners. Notable Websites :
- https://opengameart.org/
Special Thanks
- Dan Bechard (Discord : @dandymcgee#2568)
- Krazer (Discord : @Krazer7877)
- SoA blog posts
- http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
This project is under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more info
The Menu screen
Nice looking terrain generation using simplex noise
Lighting Demo with lamps
If you like this project, please consider starring it on github. Thankyou :)